Diver Rescues Entangled Right Whale in Fiji

A New Zealdnd diving instructor has plunged to the rescue of a southern right whale, entangled in a long line buoy out of Beachcomber Island, Fiji.


Sam Jupe dived 10 metres to free the 12 metre long whale which was completely caught by its tail.



Sam, a Padi Scuba Instructor from Auckland, said he understood the risk he was taking in aiding the whale but is committed to the welfare of marine life.



He was towed behind the whale while he used a blunt knife to cut the distressed mammal free.



The New Zealander spent over an hour in the water before he removed the buoy.



People waited on Beachcomber Island, Fiji as the drama unfolded



Source: Andrew Norris  http://tvnz.co.nz/world-news/photos-kiwi-diver-rescues-entangled-whale-5672812

2 replies

  1. Wow!!! Thank you!

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